Blood Shot Vin Diesel Movie Jacket

like many of the other movie releases for the year of 2020, the Bloodshot movie jacket was released with one or two images of each main character. In the case of Bloodshot, we had the Red, the Blue, and also the Green. It looked pretty cool though because they were all different characters. Not only that, but there were also different character designs for the characters. This really gave each character a unique look. The Bloodshot jacket was released in February and there are still images that you can get from it. The jackets for the movie were released by the talented Don Schumi who is a super designer. For Bloodshot, Don made use of the Tee shirt to do the design work. He went in for very slick graphics, so they would look great printed on the tee-shirt. They would also be printed in a very stylish way, which is what people look for in a Bloodshot tee shirt. He took these designs and used them like the back design for the Bloodshot jacket. This was actually his second Blood...